Different Types Of Security Fencing
Going through the increasing number of burglary cases across the world, people are adopting different types of techniques to protect the valuable kept inside their places from the eyes of the burglars. It would not be wrong to say that the need for security had been always on the priority of the human beings since the ancient times. At that time, the people wanted to protect their houses from the forceful entrance by wild animals and therefore they covered the boundary of their houses with bamboos and tree logs. But, with changing technology, the use of CCTV cameras, automatic locks and alarms emerged as an advanced way of protecting your properties from the burglars.
The recent invention in this field is introduction of security fencing, which can also be considered as an advanced version of fencing made from bamboos and tree logs. The latest name to make its debut in list is solar fencing, which not only protects your property but also enhances the value of your property due to abundance of technical features adhered in it. Apart from this some of the commonly types of security fencings available in the market are mentioned below:
1. Palisade Fencing: This type of fencing is available in the different heights depending upon the requirement of the property owners. The worth mentioning feature of this fencing is that it is developed from the robust material and is weather resistant. The highly preferred palisade fencing is steel palisade, because it is not only strong but can also be installed easily.
The advantage of this fencing are:
→ Stops the forceful entrance of burglars and vandals.
→ Can be installed easily on any type off surface.
→ Suitable for both residential and commercial properties.
→ It is not possible for thieves to climb on it.
→ It is compatible to other security devices. And,
→ Do not requires any specific maintenance.
2. High Security Fencing: Among different types of security fencing, this can be regarded as one of the most dangerous fencings, due to electric powers adorned in it. The worth mentioning feature of this fencing is that due to flow of electricity across the fencing, it is impossible for the intruders to move inside your property and doing this can be hazardous for their life. Going through this threat, it is mainly installed at the places that are of high importance, like banks and financial institutions.
The important features of Security fencing are mentioned below:
→ Can detect the people trying to step in your property while they are quite away from your property.
→ Enhances the aesthetics of your property.
→ Embellished with advanced technical properties.
→ The best solution of the security, if your property is located in a deserted area.
→ Weather resistant.
3. Mesh Fencing: This type of fencing is equally used by the homeowners in urban and rural areas. In the rural areas it is used for protecting the property from roadside animals. This fencing can be developed from strong steel or galvanized stainless steel. Apart from protecting your property, this fencing also offers complete privacy to your home.
Some of the advantages enjoyed by installing this type of fencing are mentioned below:
→ The user friendly fencing that not only protects your property but also enhances its aesthetic appearance.
→ Durable and can be customized according to your requirements.
→ Cost effective and easy to maintain.
Apart from these types of fencings, there are different types of fences made by using various types of materials, which are helpful in providing complete security to your property.
Originally published at https://www.penana.com.