5 Amazing Benefits of Acrylic Fencing
People often consider the traffic on roads as the main source of noise pollution and don’t pay attention towards other factors responsible for this problem. This may surprise many people but apart from traffic, there are lots of factors, for instance, the environment in which we live is also responsible for noise pollution. Let us talk about banks, during peak hours there is a huge crowd present in a bank. The sound generated by these people whether they are talking with each other, bank staff, or talking on the phone, the sound generated from typewriters, printers, etc, is enough to disturb a person.
According to doctors, regular exposure to such an environment affects the health of a person and results in the emergence of multiple health problems including hearing impairment, mental stress, hypertension, anxiety etc. To cater to this problem the use of environmental barriers has proved to be a boon for persons exposed to such environments for long hours. The use of acrylic acoustic fencing helps in reducing the impact of sound generated at such places. Acrylic fencing not only helps in sound reduction, but also offers clear visibility and low maintenance. This fencing has the efficiency to absorb sound up to 90%.
How Acrylic Fences Work and Which Ones are the Best Options?
Acrylic fences are a perfect solution for homeowners who want to find a quality product but don’t want to spend too much. They are flexible and robust while also being an affordable option.
The best acrylic fences are those that have rigid aluminium bars that are coated in plastic. These products offer the best durability and strength at the same time as being easy to maintain.
Which Types of Acrylic Fences Are There?
Acrylic fences are often overlooked as a viable option for your home, but we’re going to show you why you should consider them when you’re looking for a new fence.
The term “acrylic fences” refers to fences made from two materials: acrylic sheeting and PVC pipe. Commonly these fences are white, and they can take on any design you want (round, square, or any shape).
Acrylic fences are energy-efficient, cost-efficient, and environmentally friendly. Acrylic sheets have an R-value of 1.5 per inch of thickness, and PVC has an R-value of 2.1 per inch of thickness. This means that acrylic will keep your home warmer in the winter and cooler in the summer than wood or aluminium fencing will.
Some benefits of Acrylic acoustic fencing are:
- Improved Quality of Sound: By absorbing the sound, this fencing allows clear communication among the persons present at a particular place. In the absence of this, people have to speak louder, which not only disturbs others but also affects their privacy. The use of this fencing makes communication clearer and helps in maintaining privacy.
- Improves Interior Aesthetics: It is one of the most notable benefits of installing acrylic soundproof fencing. Acrylic fencing not only offers clear visibility but depending upon your needs you can get them decorated and shaped to enhance the interiors of your place.
- Safety: During your visit to a bank or any office, you would have noticed a transparent wall between the customer and the person on the other side of the table. This sheet or wall acts as a safety measure and helps in maintaining a sustainable distance between them.
- Welcoming Atmosphere: It is human nature we all feel relaxed as soon as we enter a place with no irritating sounds. When customers enter a bank or a public office after coming from excessive traffic, they feel relaxed and comfortable in a peaceful environment.
- Improves Productivity: When employees are given a pollution-free environment they enjoy their work and put in extra effort in the interest of their office. This increases their productivity.
Read More: Do acoustic barriers work?
Conclusion: Stopping noise pollution in places occupied by the masses is almost impossible, but there are ways to control its impacts by installing fencings and other means to enjoy a peaceful environment.
Originally published at https://www.reddit.com.